Sajong Technologies Private Limited Приложения

City Guide 2.6.0
This application is a guide to your preferred city. The applicationwill be available to more cities where the user can change thesettings to the preferred city and from there you will get thecontents based on the city. The available cities will be displayedto the users where they can select the preferred one. The contentslike municipal updates and krishibhavan updates are specific to themunicipality and agricultural office in the city. There you willget the updates and activities from the specific offices. You candetails in the below categories, - About City - Municipal updates -Daily News updates - Health and Fitness including hospitals,doctors, blood information of people in the system - Educationinformation like institutes, schools and colleges - Dining &Living - Entertainment including cinema, tourist spots - PublicService like banks, ATM centers etc - Transport including taxies,autos, bus, trains etc - Shops including daily Market Price Therewill be more categories which can be seen from the application andwill be updating more to make the contents at its perfection andmaximum availability to the users. Launching the application withthe city Nileshwar in Kasargod district, Kerala, India. Next willbe Kanhangad city in Kasargod district and will be moving to othercities.
Car Care 1.1.1
Registered vehicle service stations willbeavailable with the applicationThe application users are the customers for a specificservicestationUsers can add their multiple vehicles with the application whichcanbe associated with any of the service stations.Users will get all the services details from theservicestation.Users can raise any query to their service station related totheirvehicle and will get the response from the servicestation.
My Vote 2.6.4
A common platform for the parties, election candidates and votersto interact.